Origami Color-Change Checkerboards
© Jason S. Ku 2024 Code on Github

This is a website for listing square origami checkerboard models folded from a two-color square, ranked by efficiency. This website augments the listing found at Peter Budai's website.

Crease patterns are provided in .fold format where available, reproduced with permission from the authors. You can download all the crease patterns at once by downloading the git repository. You can also download a CSV file of the current listing here.

Each model is classified with the following type annotations:

The year column represents the year the model was designed. If multiple models were designed in the same year by the same author, we distinguish them via their number in the "#" column.

Efficiencies are listed as the ratio of the target grid side to to the side length of the starting square. Exact algebraic efficiencies are provided where available. Models that are most efficient for a particular grid size and type are highlighted in white. When evaluating efficiencies between types, seamless and flippable types both count as fuzzy.

If you would like to contribute a model to this listing, please email us your contribution. Generally, we will only add a new model to the listing if it is the most efficient for its grid size and type at the time of submission, or would have been based on its year of creation.